다음: , 상위 문서: Audio Processing   [차례][찾아보기]

33.1 Audio File Utilities

The following functions allow you to read, write and retrieve information about audio files. Various formats are supported including wav, flac and ogg vorbis.

info = audioinfo (기록철_이름)

Return information about an audio file specified by 기록철_이름.

The output info is a structure containing the following fields:


Name of the audio file.


Audio compression method. Unused, only present for compatibility with 매트랩.


Number of audio channels.


Sample rate of the audio, in Hertz.


Number of samples in the file.


Duration of the audio, in seconds.


Number of bits per sample.


Audio bit rate. Unused, only present for compatibility with 매트랩.


"Title" audio metadata value as a string, or empty if not present.


"Artist" audio metadata value as a string, or empty if not present.


"Comment" audio metadata value as a string, or empty if not present.

같이 보기: audioread, audiowrite.

[세로, fs] = audioread (기록철_이름)
[세로, fs] = audioread (기록철_이름, samples)
[세로, fs] = audioread (기록철_이름, datatype)
[세로, fs] = audioread (기록철_이름, samples, datatype)

Read the audio file 기록철_이름 and return the audio data 세로 and sampling rate fs.

The audio data is stored as matrix with rows corresponding to audio frames and columns corresponding to channels.

The optional two-element vector argument samples specifies starting and ending frames.

The optional argument datatype specifies the datatype to return. If it is "native", then the type of data depends on how the data is stored in the audio file.

같이 보기: audiowrite, audioformats, audioinfo.

audiowrite (기록철_이름, 세로, fs)
audiowrite (기록철_이름, 세로, fs, 이름, , …)

Write audio data from the matrix 세로 to 기록철_이름 at sampling rate fs with the file format determined by the file extension.

Additional name/value argument pairs may be used to specify the following options:


Number of bits per sample. Valid values are 8, 16, 24, and 32. Default is 16.


Valid argument name, but ignored. Left for compatibility with 매트랩.


Quality setting for the Ogg Vorbis compressor. Values can range between 0 and 100 with 100 being the highest quality setting. Default is 75.


Title for the audio file.


Artist name.



같이 보기: audioread, audioformats, audioinfo.

audioformats ()
audioformats (형식)

Display information about all supported audio formats.

If the optional argument 형식 is given, then display only formats with names that start with 형식.

같이 보기: audioread, audiowrite.

다음: , 상위 문서: Audio Processing   [차례][찾아보기]