다음: , 이전: , 상위 문서: Arithmetic   [차례][찾아보기]

17.8 Coordinate Transformations

[theta, r] = cart2pol (가로, 세로)
[theta, r, z] = cart2pol (가로, 세로, z)
[theta, r] = cart2pol (C)
[theta, r, z] = cart2pol (C)
P = cart2pol (…)

Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical coordinates.

The inputs 가로, 세로 (, and z) must be the same shape, or scalar. If called with a single matrix argument then each row of C represents the Cartesian coordinate (가로, 세로 (, z)).

theta describes the angle relative to the positive x-axis.

r is the distance to the z-axis (0, 0, z).

If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix P where each row represents one polar/(cylindrical) coordinate (theta, phi (, z)).

같이 보기: pol2cart, cart2sph, sph2cart.

[가로, 세로] = pol2cart (theta, r)
[가로, 세로, z] = pol2cart (theta, r, z)
[가로, 세로] = pol2cart (P)
[가로, 세로, z] = pol2cart (P)
C = pol2cart (…)

Transform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.

The inputs theta, r, (and z) must be the same shape, or scalar. If called with a single matrix argument then each row of P represents the polar/(cylindrical) coordinate (theta, r (, z)).

theta describes the angle relative to the positive x-axis.

r is the distance to the z-axis (0, 0, z).

If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix C where each row represents one Cartesian coordinate (가로, 세로 (, z)).

같이 보기: cart2pol, sph2cart, cart2sph.

[theta, phi, r] = cart2sph (가로, 세로, z)
[theta, phi, r] = cart2sph (C)
S = cart2sph (…)

Transform Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.

The inputs 가로, 세로, and z must be the same shape, or scalar. If called with a single matrix argument then each row of C represents the Cartesian coordinate (가로, 세로, z).

theta describes the angle relative to the positive x-axis.

phi is the angle relative to the xy-plane.

r is the distance to the origin (0, 0, 0).

If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix S where each row represents one spherical coordinate (theta, phi, r).

같이 보기: sph2cart, cart2pol, pol2cart.

[가로, 세로, z] = sph2cart (theta, phi, r)
[가로, 세로, z] = sph2cart (S)
C = sph2cart (…)

Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.

The inputs theta, phi, and r must be the same shape, or scalar. If called with a single matrix argument then each row of S represents the spherical coordinate (theta, phi, r).

theta describes the angle relative to the positive x-axis.

phi is the angle relative to the xy-plane.

r is the distance to the origin (0, 0, 0).

If only a single return argument is requested then return a matrix C where each row represents one Cartesian coordinate (가로, 세로, z).

같이 보기: cart2sph, pol2cart, cart2pol.

다음: , 이전: , 상위 문서: Arithmetic   [차례][찾아보기]