다음: , 이전: , 상위 문서: High-Level Plotting   [차례][찾아보기]

15.2.6 Manipulation of Plot Objects

pan on
pan off
pan xon
pan yon
pan (hfig, option)

Control the interactive panning mode of a figure in the GUI.

Given the option "on" or "off", set the interactive pan mode on or off.

With no arguments, toggle the current pan mode on or off.

Given the option "xon" or "yon", enable pan mode for the x or y axis only.

If the first argument hfig is a figure, then operate on the given figure rather than the current figure as returned by gcf.

같이 보기: rotate3d, zoom.

rotate (h, direction, alpha)
rotate (…, origin)

Rotate the plot object h through alpha degrees around the line with direction direction and origin origin.

The default value of origin is the center of the axes object that is the parent of h.

If h is a vector of handles, they must all have the same parent axes object.

Graphics objects that may be rotated are lines, surfaces, patches, and images.

rotate3d on
rotate3d off
rotate3d (hfig, option)

Control the interactive 3-D rotation mode of a figure in the GUI.

Given the option "on" or "off", set the interactive rotate mode on or off.

With no arguments, toggle the current rotate mode on or off.

If the first argument hfig is a figure, then operate on the given figure rather than the current figure as returned by gcf.

같이 보기: pan, zoom.

zoom (factor)
zoom on
zoom off
zoom xon
zoom yon
zoom out
zoom reset
zoom (hfig, option)

Zoom the current axes object or control the interactive zoom mode of a figure in the GUI.

Given a numeric argument greater than zero, zoom by the given factor. If the zoom factor is greater than one, zoom in on the plot. If the factor is less than one, zoom out. If the zoom factor is a two- or three-element vector, then the elements specify the zoom factors for the x, y, and z axes respectively.

Given the option "on" or "off", set the interactive zoom mode on or off.

With no arguments, toggle the current zoom mode on or off.

Given the option "xon" or "yon", enable zoom mode for the x or y-axis only.

Given the option "out", zoom to the initial zoom setting.

Given the option "reset", store the current zoom setting so that zoom out will return to this zoom level.

If the first argument hfig is a figure, then operate on the given figure rather than the current figure as returned by gcf.

같이 보기: pan, rotate3d.

다음: , 이전: , 상위 문서: High-Level Plotting   [차례][찾아보기]