이전: Polynomial Interpolation, 상위 문서: Polynomial Manipulations [차례][찾아보기]
If A is a square N-by-N matrix, poly (A)
is the row vector of the coefficients of det (z * eye (N) - A)
the characteristic polynomial of A.
For example, the following code finds the eigenvalues of A which are
the roots of poly (A)
roots (poly (eye (3))) ⇒ 1.00001 + 0.00001i 1.00001 - 0.00001i 0.99999 + 0.00000i
In fact, all three eigenvalues are exactly 1 which emphasizes that for
numerical performance the eig
function should be used to compute
If 가로 is a vector, poly (가로)
is a vector of the
coefficients of the polynomial whose roots are the elements of 가로.
That is, if c is a polynomial, then the elements of
d = roots (poly (c))
are contained in c. The
vectors c and d are not identical, however, due to sorting and
numerical errors.
Display a formatted version of the polynomial c.
The formatted polynomial
c(x) = c(1) * x^n + … + c(n) x + c(n+1)
is returned as a string or written to the screen if nargout
is zero.
The second argument 가로 specifies the variable name to use for each term
and defaults to the string "s"
같이 보기: polyreduce.
Reduce a polynomial coefficient vector to a minimum number of terms by stripping off any leading zeros.
같이 보기: polyout.
이전: Polynomial Interpolation, 상위 문서: Polynomial Manipulations [차례][찾아보기]