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37.4.3 PKG_ADD and PKG_DEL Directives

If the package contains files called PKG_ADD or PKG_DEL the commands in these files will be executed when the package is added or removed from the users path. In some situations such files are a bit cumbersome to maintain, so the package manager supports automatic creation of such files. If a source file in the package contains a PKG_ADD or PKG_DEL directive they will be added to either the PKG_ADD or PKG_DEL files.

In m-files a PKG_ADD directive looks like this

## PKG_ADD: some_octave_command

Such lines should be added before the function keyword. In C++ files a PKG_ADD directive looks like this

// PKG_ADD: some_octave_command

In both cases some_octave_command should be replaced by the command that should be placed in the PKG_ADD file. PKG_DEL directives work in the same way, except the PKG_ADD keyword is replaced with PKG_DEL and the commands get added to the PKG_DEL file.